I've changed things around a bit as you see. In the process, I managed to lose my links. *sigh* When I have more time and patience, I'll fix that and put those back. In the meantime, here's the token cute and fuzzy "cat of a crafter" picture. This is my Gracie. Caught in the act.

Looks like I haven't accomplished anything in a while, huh? Honestly, I have been a productive little crafter. I just suck at posting my progress. I'll have to change that.

Anyway, here's one of my latest creations. There's a craft challenge over on craftster.org to create a clock. I took a plain wood plaque and clock mechanism from the craft store, added some paint, crackle medium, more paint, Modge Podge, magazine clippings, foam stamping, and this is what I came up with.

Since I love all things tropical, this is my "happy place" reminder when I'm running short on time and feeling the strain.

I've been working on a lot of ATC's, scrapbook LOs, and some knitting, too. After I finish my current knitting project, I'll be sure to post pics b/c that thing is taking FOR-EVAH!!