Tendonitis sucks!

I've been in a brace and unable to knit for way too long now, and it's driving me nuts. My poor market bag is in my WIP drawer on the needles, begging to be finished. See how sad it looks?

So since I can't knit, I taught myself to crochet. Yeah, I know. But what can I say? I think I have a yarn addiction! Here's what I've done so far.
This hat is made from THE softest yarn. I would've never thought bamboo yarn would be soft, but it's so yummy. I started a scarf from the 2nd skein, ran out, and the yarn store where I bought it doesn't carry that color anymore. *sigh* I'll have to find some online somewhere.

After the hat, I found this really cute wine glass flip-flop pattern, so I gave that a shot this morning. Including the three times I had to frog it, it took me just a couple of hours to complete. That's a HUGE deal for me, b/c I'm used to knitting being a slow process.

Here's a closeup. It's a coaster that stays attached to the glass!

That's about the extent of my craftiness lately. I've done some ATC's, made some dolls and a few scrapbook pages, but nowhere near as much as I'd like.

The Hub is back from Iraq now! I'm SO glad that deployment is over! Keeping fingers crossed that that was the last one, but I won't hold my breath.

1 comment:

gnathalie2 said...

Cool hat! I wrote a thank you post here: http://gnathalie2.wordpress.com/2007/10/11/thank-you-dee/
