Still haven't fixed the look of the place yet, but I have completed projects!
This one was a quick whip-up without a pattern to give The Hub an extra creature comfort on this deployment. Because I couldn't find buckwheat hulls on short notice, it's stuffed with poly-fil.

And FINALLY!! The gauntlets are done! I had to do some tweaking b/c they didn't want to stay up, and I don't love that yarn. After ONE wear, it already looks fuzzy. *sigh* Lesson learned.
Here's the full view, complete with my first attempts at thumb gussets!

And a close-up of the cables. See...fuzzy yarn. *grr* Kiddo loves 'em, so I'm not going to complain. I will say that at this point, I don't EVER want to knit with black yarn again!

And in knitting-related stuff, I ventured into my first yarn store the other day. I'm not talking yarn department full of acrylics at the local craft store. I'm talking YARN STORE. Floor to ceiling with gorgeous, uber-soft natural fibers, silk yarns, hand-dyed yarns, BAMBOO yarn, etc. Yes, bamboo. You wouldn't think it would be soft, but oh my gravy. They were like little balls of the softest kind of heaven. *sigh* I'm already a paper snob in the scrapbooking world. I can see now that I'm probably going to become a yarn snob, too. That thought makes my wallet cry.

In other crafting accomplishments, I'm putting the finishing touches on a bag. I'm groovin' it b/c I made it from old quilt pieces. It'll have a knitted handle and button closure. You'll see.

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