Monkeys and Ponies, oh my!

What happens to socks and cutesy "My Little Pony" figures when my daughters and I get our hands on them? Keep reading and you'll see.

I had found a tute for sock monkeys online, and since my youngest LOVES all things monkey, I knew I had to make her one. I searched everywhere for the funky stripy socks I've seen them made from. BTW, if you see any of those socks in stores, let me know where!
So since I couldn't find "fun" socks, my youngest daughter picked out a pink pair. There was a gray pair packaged with them, so my oldest wanted a monkey from them. I cut and sewed, they stuffed and picked out buttons for eyes. I think they turned out really cute, even if they are out of plain socks. They're WAY on the goofy side, but they were a fun project. Of course when Kat spotted the basketball button in my stash, she decided that hers needed a belly button. It doesn't show up very well in the pic, but it made her happy.

Since Kat was only here for Spring Break, I wanted a project for the three of us to work on all week that was different than the usual crafty stuff and would allow each of them to express themselves in it. Over on the craftster board, I had seen a swap done with altering "My Little Pony" toys. hehehe...Game on! We each got one, thought about what we wanted to do with them, and began. Our personalities really did come thru in the end. The first pic in each set is what we started with.


Complete with tats and lots of earrings!


She went for Greek goddess for hers. She's been studying Greek mythology and is SO into it. Her artistic tendencies and girliness really shine in this pony, I think. Did you notice the gold sandals she painted on? She even made it a necklace and an olive branch headband from wire.

and Kat's...

Yep, Kat's my little athlete. Her sister painted the shoes on.

Aren't they CUTE?

We had a lot of fun last week. I also got a dishcloth knitted, but I didn't snap a pic yet.


Unknown said...

I know you and your girls had a GREAT time. I love the Ponies. They have such different personalities. TOO COOL! I'll be on the lookout for funky socks!

Nesa said...

dude lovin the sock monkeys and the goth pony is to die for! (yes pun intended)

Wendy Kennedy said...

I am totally digging the ghetto horsie!! The monkeys are wick, too!

Tess said...

those ponie are hot! I wish I still had my ponies from when I was a kid, they were my favorite! We need to get together soon!